Kojo 2.4 Beta Version: 2.4.06 r41 Build date: 20 Apr 2015 Java version: 1.8.0_51-64bit. Scala version: 2.11.6
Following "Expressions" section under the Scala tutorial, which is under Kojo's Help menu and ran the expression 3.5*9.4+7/5, which returned 33.9, I've repeated tried this expression using both Windows 7 calculator and Google search and the number I am getting from them is 34.3, which means either Kojo has a problem or the world as a problem. I have also tried just running it like this: println((3.5*9.4)+(7/5)), but again the result Kojo returns is 33.9. Perhaps I do not understand how the "order of operation" Kojo is performing, but I've tried it several ways got different results of course, but never got 33.9. Please look into this issue and let me know whether I am not understanding something or if there is a bug in Kojo. I really think Kojo is a great system overall, but if it's a calculation bug then it needs to be address. Thanks and have a great day!