I'm wanting to check out Kojo via the "Kojo Story". However, I am having a problem. I have Java 1.6.0_26_b03 (64bit version) on Windows 7 Ultimate. And it is the only JDK/JRE on my system. I have a number of other Java applications installed. I downloaded the "kojoInstaller-210711.exe" and attempted to run it by double clicking on it. After giving the application permission via a Window's security pop-up, I then see an installer window pop of for all of a half-second (so quickly, I can barely tell what it is) before it disappears. And then nothing happens.
This is a terrible initial experience. I can only imagine that someone less technical than I am and who is wanting to check out Kojo would immediately abandon their mild interest given this inexplicable and obtuse response. I, however, am undaunted and am willing to work through whatever we need to do to get this working with the assumption that once we have it figured out, you will take what you learn from my configuration and update your help files. Seems like a fair trade.
Please advise on how I might proceed.
Thank you