Thanks for the answers, filled with good news, but that's a lot of work for you! :-)
Not sure if I can help much, but I can try in some minor fields, like feeding the wiki, providing some experimentations with Kojo (as I agree with the first part of ?ukasz statement…), etc. I don't have much free time (job, wife, 3 kids…) and I have some other activities (open source, drawing…).
I start to have some experience in Java programming (and some other languages, like C and more recently JavaFX) and I just started (this week!) to learn Scala. I found that Kojo is a great way to play with the language… :-)
I am quite active in the Processing community, so I appreciate the StagingModule (impressive work!).
JFugue seems nice, from a quick look at the Web site. Easy to use, well in the spirit of Kojo. Maybe also add the playing of small MP3 files, in limited number. The restrictions I mention is to avoid using a whole (big, copyrighted…) song as background of a script. ^_^ But it would allow some sound effects (bang, woosh, etc.).
Maybe I should set up a list of features that need to be developed (a backlog), and see if there are people who want to come forward and work on things.
Good idea. A quick tour/guide of the code, and maybe pointing out where to start for each feature, might make the project less intimidating to dive in… :-) Maybe Peter Lewerin, which had took the dive, and isn't intimidated by the wiki, can contribute… ^_^' Right now, I am doing a local hg clone to take a quick look.
Account creation: might I suggest to mention that in the home page of the forum? I looked for a local link for account creation, I hadn't understood that it was part of a centralized network (Processing went to Zoho, which has a similar policy).
URL: I just wrote it in lower case, but it is still stupid… I just like to rant against sloppy programming. ^_^'
Ah, a last word on Kojo itself.
Is there already a possibility to translate the interface? Or is it easy to add this capability? I am French and I would like to introduce my children to Kojo, but it might be less intimidating to make them using an application in French. Well, the language will be still English-based, but that's a limited vocabulary.
Of course, I am voluntary for the translation to French! :-)
Funnily, the math playground is in French! I suppose that's the GeoGebra library which is translated.