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Update (10 April 2015) — A google-groups based forum is also available (for better email integration) at Kojo-User and Kojo-Dev. Going forward, messages on this forum will be cross-posted to the google-groups based forum.
Discussions about 'The Kojo Learning Environment'
Category name | Threads | Posts | Last post |
Get help and support in your use of Kojo. | 31 | 119 | by Alessia (guest) 21 Jul 2022 12:23Jump! |
Discuss how you might contribute to Kojo | 5 | 35 | by Rajakavitha Kodhandapani (guest) 17 Mar 2019 01:43Jump! |
Discuss Ideas/Issues related to understanding, extending, and/or fixing issues with the Kojo Environment. This involves working with the Kojo (Scala/Netbeans-Platform based) source code. | 20 | 188 | by Bjorn Regnell 16 Oct 2019 06:34Jump! |
Discussions around the use of Kojo in Sweden (in Swedish). Alla kan här skapa trådar med frågor och svar om programmering i Kojo på svenska. För varje fråga du ställer, försök även hjälpa någon annan om du har tips att ge! | 4 | 8 | by Bjorn Regnell 12 May 2017 13:31Jump! |
Discussions around teaching with Kojo in Sweden (in Swedish). Alla lärare som använder Kojo i sin undervisning kan här dela med sig av erfarenheter och inspireras av andra. | 2 | 4 | by Amanda (guest) 19 May 2020 14:12Jump! |
Discuss documentation related issues. | 4 | 17 | by lalitp 30 Apr 2014 04:21Jump! |
Show your code. Learn from code written by others. | 7 | 39 | by Kevin (guest) 11 Mar 2022 05:11Jump! |
Indulge in news and gossip that might be of interest to Kojo users. | 6 | 23 | by Test User (guest) 18 Oct 2014 04:15Jump! |
Kojo news. | 1 | 1 | by lalitp 14 Apr 2012 14:24Jump! |
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