Silent Kojo Installs

To do a silent (unattended) Kojo install, do the following:

  • Put kojoInstall-xx.jar (the Kojo jar installer) in a directory on your machine (here xx will be a version number like 2.4.03).
  • Put auto-install.xml in the same directory.
  • Open up a console/terminal, and go to the above mentioned directory.
  • Edit auto-install.xml to change the desired installation location.
  • Run the command 'java -jar kojoInstall-xx.jar auto-install.xml' to do the silent install.

The above installation procedure works for both Windows and Unix (Linux, Mac terminal, etc).

Note — For Kojo 2.4.03 or earlier on Windows, you will see an error message in the console at the end of the silent install. You can safely ignore this message.

To do a silent (unattended) Kojo install on Windows that also installs Desktop and Program Group shortcuts, do the following:

  • Put kojoInstall-xx.jar (the Kojo jar installer) in a directory on your machine.
  • Put auto-install-winshortcuts.xml in the same directory.
  • Open up a console/terminal, and go to the above mentioned directory.
  • Edit auto-install-winshortcuts.xml to change the desired installation location and the shortcut target locations.
  • Run the command 'java -jar kojoInstall-xx.jar auto-install-winshortcuts.xml' to do the silent install.
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