Kojo dmg installation hurdles

Blocked installer
Damaged dmg

Blocked installer

When running the installer inside the Kojo dmg, you might see a message like this:


To work around this issue, do the following:

  • Right-Click (or Control+Click) on the installer to run it. This will give you the option to "Open" the installer and proceed with the installation.


  • Choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu.
  • Click Security & Privacy.
  • You will see an option to open and run the installer from here.

Damaged dmg

When opening the Kojo dmg file, you might see a message like this:


This is due to a Mac OS security feature. To work around this issue, you can temporarily change a system preference as follows:

  • Choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu.
  • Click Security & Privacy.
  • If the preference is locked, click the Lock (lower left) and enter your admin password to unlock it.
  • In the General tab, set Allow applications downloaded from to Anywhere.
  • Click Allow From Anywhere.

Now try opening the dmg file again.

Note - after Kojo is installed, you should go back and change the above system preference to its earlier value.

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